
Wednesday, December 8, 2010

stable fame and prosperity - संयमात् प्रतितिष्ठति

The start of any long term and stable prosperity and fame is in a good deed, a beneficial project. Be it for a company or for society at large, or at home. Be it a business person thinking or a politician. We are of course not talking about selfish spectrum scandals, which may bring prosperity in short run, but legal action, infamy in the long run.

When prosperity and associated fame starts pouring in, it is increased, fed, nourished by the maturity of mind, intelligence. Which finds new ways to create holistic and win-win-win situations that compound the prosperity.

But it starts to gain roots (in one's endeavors) when one shows skill, expertise, dexterity - of resourcefulness, management, innovation, efficiency, domain knowledge etc.

But when does it not just start, increase, take root but establish permanent (for the time being) camp? That happens when one learns and practices saMyam संयम self-restraint. When one controls one's urges, whims, petty wishes. When one has discipline. Discipline to do the work, which is required, even if it is not 'interesting' or 'challenging' as sometimes people with high

श्रीर्मङ्गलात् प्रभवति प्रागल्भ्यात् संप्रवर्धते |
दाक्ष्यात्तु कुरुते मूलं संयमात् प्रतितिष्ठति ||

shrIr_ma~NgalAt prabhavati, prAgalbhyAt sampravardhate |
dAkShyAt_tu kurute mUlam saMyamAt prati_tiShThati ||

śhrīr_maṅgalāt prabhavati, prāgalbhyāt sampravardhate ।
dākṣhyāt_tu kurute mūlam saṃyamāt prati_tiṣhṭhati ॥

Prosperity happens by good deeds, increases by maturity [of intelligence], takes root by skill/cleverness, and establishes by discipline.
This is from Vidur Neeti 3:51.

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and now the language aspects of the shloka -

shrIr श्रीर् = shrIH श्रीः = wealth, prosperity, fame
shrIH became shrIr (H -> r) dues to visarga विसर्ग sandhiH संधिः

ma~NgalAt = ma~Ngala मङ्गल (मंगल) = auspicious, good, beneficial
-At suffix = from
= from auspicious [deeds]

prabhavati = comes from
bhava भव = to be
prabhAva प्रभाव = influence
prabhavati = gets influenced by, comes from

prAgalbhyAt = maturity
pragalbha प्रगल्भ = mature of mind
prAgalbhya प्रागल्भ्य = maturity of mind
-At suffix = from maturity

sampravardhate = increases very much
vardhan/vRiddhi = (n) increase
vardhate = increases
sam- pra- prefixes add to its magnitude - completely, verily increases

dAkShyAt = from dexterity, skill
dakSha दक्ष = skillful, dexterous (even the word dexterous seems derived from dakSha)
dAkshya दाक्ष्य = skillfulness (adj)
-At suffix = from skillfulness

tu = used for emphasis

kurute = does, makes

mUlam = base. root.

saMyamAt = from control
saMyam = control, self-control
-At suffix = from self-control

prati_tiShThati = fully establishes
tiShThati = stays, stays put
prati- completely, well, fully establishes itself

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(c) shashikant joshi । शशिकांत जोशी । ॐ सर्वे भवन्तु सुखिनः ।
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