Buying books from this site helps both ways. You support the site, and the books help you grow and learn. There will be more books coming forth, if more people like you support it. Please make a purchase.

Quick List:
1. Attitude Shift - Sanskrit Maxims for Contemporary Life and Leadership
2. Learning Sanskrit Script: The Easy and Practical Way  - Workbook 1 (Single letters)
3. Learning Sanskrit Script: The Easy and Practical Way  - Workbook 2 (Conjugate and complex letters)
4. Learning Sanskrit Script: The Easy and Practical Way  - Workbook 1 and 2 combo (save 33%)

 - Sanskrit Maxims for Contemporary Life and Leadership

Attitude Shift Sanskrit Maxims for Contemporary Life and Leadership has been highly praised by industry leaders, academicians, administrators and general public for its simple yet powerful style of conveying the Life and Leadership messages through age old metaphors and maxims. It gives you a perspective on your own attitude and soft skills approach, towards work and success, home, friends, children based on the wisdom of Sanskrit sayings. You are one and the same person, playing in many fields, if you tune your basic attitude you improve in all fields. These sayings are equally valid today, if interpreted properly. The book needs no prior knowledge of Sanskrit, but language notes will keep the Sanskrit enthusiast happy.

Stories - of the Opium Eater And The Boatman, Slithering Lizard, Perched Eagle, Arundhati Star, Malati Flower, Necklace, Coconut-Island Dwellers, Blind And The Duck, Devadatta’s Killer, Worthiness To Undertake - are an interesting way to sip the nectar of practical wisdom.

The book is out of print now.


2. Learning Sanskrit: The Easy and Practical Way -
Workbook 1 (Single letters) - See Combo option below

The workbooks are for learning to read and write the script for Sanskrit.

Workbook 1 is now included free with Workbook 2. See Section 4 for the combined offer.
Best suited for people with no background in Indian languages and not having good resources handy. Buy the combo workbook (Paypal)

Welcome to a simple, intuitive and easy way to learn Sanskrit in context. In this workbook, you will learn all the letters of the Sanskrit alphabet, with direction on the strokes. You will also learn some beautiful sentences, phrases, shloka-s and mantra-s along the way.

Do you know why the letters for vowels are not written separately inside a word? Or in what stroke sequence you should write 'bha' भ or 'ja' ज ? Or why Sarasvati is called the goddess of learning, or why we say shantih shantih shantih (3 times)? The workbook not only helps you in writing, but gives a lot of trivia, tips and tricks as well.

Workbook 1 included FREE with Workbook 2 (Save 33%)
[[ See the Workbook 1 and 2 combo below ]]

Watch it on Youtube

3. Learning Sanskrit: The Easy and Practical Way -
Workbook 2 (Conjugate and complex letters) - See Combo option below

The workbooks are for learning to read and write the script for Sanskrit.

Workbook 1 is now included free with Workbook 2. See Section 4 for the combined offer.
Best suited for people with no background in Indian languages and not having good resources handy.  Buy the combo workbook (Paypal)

Various variants of ha-conjugates.

This Workbook 2 covers all combinations of consonants + vowels and gives writing practice. It also lists out almost 100 ligatures, where consonants meet consonants and a new letter is formed. This is a comprehensive list, and most computer fonts don't have all of the ligatures. This 80 pages, 8.5x11 size workbook covers everything there is to be able to read classical Sanskrit

Watch it on Youtube.

  • All consonant+vowel combinations writing practice;  
  • Coffee/tea Break Time practices, 
  • Original Sanskrit texts from famous works for exercise, 
  • Calligraphy artwork, 
  • Comprehensive list of 100 ligatures
  • Special signs and marks
  • Videos and previews coming soon.
Things covered in Workbook 1 are not covered again, so keep your Workbook 1 handy. If you have not ordered that yet you can do so by selecting it above.

It is available only as a printable PDF for now, which is more affordable and faster delivery option. You can print it off any printer and put in a binder.

Workbook 1 included FREE with Workbook 2 (Save 33%)

4. Learning Sanskrit: The Easy and Practical Way -
Workbook 1 and 2 combo - See Online course option below

Workbook 1 included FREE with Workbook 2 (Save 33%)
With the growing popularity of the workbooks, workbook 1 is now included free along with Workbosok 2. Together they provide you all the information you need to know to read and write Sanskrit script Devanagari.

The workbooks are only available as printable PDF files (to reduce the overall cost) with 112 pages. Please allow up to 24 hours for delivery of the file. Do not make multiple payments for same copy.

5. ONLINE COURSE - Learning Sanskrit: The Easy and Practical Way

There have been many requests for an accompanying audio with the workbook. That idea led to the development of online courses. First course is now online, based on the workbook. If you are interested in learning online, please sign up for free here - 

6. Learning Sanskrit: The Easy and Practical Way -
Workbook 3 (Sandhi and Samāsa)

Coming soon.

(c) shashikant joshi । शशिकांत जोशी । ॐ सर्वे भवन्तु सुखिनः ।
Practical Sanskrit. All rights reserved. Check us on Facebook.


  1. Are the books available on Amazon? That would be the only way I could get them at this time because I have points in my account but no cash...

  2. Attitude Shift is available as Kindle e-book.
    The workbook only makes sense in print, since you have to write as well :)

  3. I can't wait to dig into this site! Thank you thank you thank you!!!

  4. Nice work enjoyful teaching Oh!!! join with us in this sanskrit journey

  5. Great service. I really want to learn Sanskrit basics, enough to read and use a Sanskrit dictionary. Hari bol.

  6. Great service. I really want to learn enough of Sanskrit to read, write and use a Sanskrit dictionary to go deeper into the Bhagavad-gītā As It Is. Hare Kṛṣṇa

  7. it is very good try to understand the Sanskrit language but today it is locked by orthodox Brahman and tatsam people I want to globalized the language. and not for business and tool of earning money this language must know the all people of the world. because it is the only beautiful holly vast god gifted language the Veda Upanishads and other literature in Sanskrit so I think you are the authorized person should help to open the language for all people

  8. You are doing excellent service for Sanskrit language propagation. I am sure you will earn lot of punyas. Only through this language, the essence of life, nature, God, Shakthi, Jnanam, bhakthi, faith, etc. can be easily taught. There are immense benefits in learning this sacred language. I am really happy. My good wishes for your continued success.


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