Like the Sun is red in sunrise and sunset, similarly the Great Ones remain same (not disturbed) in good and bad times.
Losing control in bad or good times can be further damaging.
In bad times, being too sad you may get depressed, angry, lose confidence, take wrong decisions of finance or life. And you know what the consequences of that might be.
In good times, being too happy you may insult someone, splurge, donate too much, indulge too much.
Either way, excess of reaction to the situation is not good.
Remember, ‘idamapi yāsyati’ – this too shall pass.
Happy New Year - this too shall pass!
And now the language aspects -
udayé savitā rakto raktashchāstamayé tathā |
sampattau cha vipattau cha mahatāmékarūpatā ||
= udayé savitā raktaḥ raktaḥ cha astamayé tathā |
sampattau cha vipattau cha mahatām éka-rūpatā || [IAST, sandhi removed]
= udaye savitA raktaH raktaH cha astamaye tathA |
sampattau cha vippatau cha mahatAm eka-rUpatA || [ ITRANS, sandhi removed]
udaye = in [the event of] rising; udaya = rising, ascent.
savitā / savitA = Sun (from savitṛi/savitRi)
raktaḥ/raktaH = red
raktaḥ/raktaH = red
cha = and
astamaye = in [the event of] setting; asta = finished, thrown away; astaḥ/astaH = setting, western mountains where the Sun sets.; astamaya = the one in the act of setting
tathā/tathA = and also, in that manner, thus
sampattau = in good time; samyak + pat = sampat = fallen properly (in your favor) = favorable condition, prosperity
cha = and
vipattau = in bad time; viparīta + pat = vippat = fallen improperly (not in your favor) = unfavorable condition
cha = and
mahatām/mahatAm = of the great ones; mahat = great
ekarūpatā/ekarUpatA = one-form-ness ; eka = one; rūpa/rUpa = form; -tā/tA = -ness
(c) Shashikant Joshi । शशिकांत जोशी । ॐ सर्वे भवन्तु सुखिनः ।