Sunday, January 16, 2011

importance of proper breathing - प्राणायामेन युक्तेन

प्राणायामेन युक्तेन, सर्वरोगक्षयो भवेत् |
अयुक्ताभ्यासयोगेन, सर्वरोगस्य संभवः ||

= prANAyAmena yuktena, sarva-roga-kShayo bhavet |
a-yuktAbhyAsa-yogena, sarva-rogasya saMbhavaH ||

= by proper prANAyAma, all diseases can be cured, by improper practice, all diseases are possible. (haTha-yoga-pradIpikA)

and now the language aspects of the shloka -

prANAyAmena =
by prANAyAma (breath control)
prANa = breath
AyAma = dimensions, the space, so the movement of breath in all directions

yuktena = by proper
yukta = proper, appropriate.

sarva = all
roga = disease
kShayo = kShayaH = decay, ruin.

bhavet = happens. [as in 'must happen']

a-yuktAbhyAsa-yogena = by improperly practiced yoga
a = not
yukta = proper
abhyAsa = practice
yoga = yoga (Asana, prANAyAm and other aspect, but here prANAyAma out of context)

sarva = all
rogasya = of disease (roga)

saMbhavaH = possibility

(c) Shashikant Joshi । शशिकांत जोशी । ॐ सर्वे भवन्तु सुखिनः ।


  1. Its a great post indeed. It let us know that Yoga is not only about exercising or stretching our body health but due to this we can make ourselves relax and it makes our mind fresh.

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