Friday, September 30, 2011

Best words fall short to praise you, O Devi!

 सर्वभूता यदा देवी भुक्तिमुक्तिप्रदायिनी ।
त्वं स्तुता स्तुतये का वा भवन्तु परमोक्तयः ॥

sarvabhūtā yadā devī bhukti-mukti-pradāyinī ।
tvaṃ stutā stutaye kā vā bhavantu paramoktayaḥ ॥

sarva-bhUtA yadA devI bhukti-mukti-pradAyinI |
tvam stutA stutaye kA vA bhantu paramoktayaH ||

sarvabhūtā = all (sarva) manifestation, people, world ( bhūta)
yadā = when
devī = goddess
bhukti = consumption (food, needs etc.)
mukti = liberation (of soul from bondage)
pradāyinī = giver (fem.)

tvaṃ = you [are]
stutā = [THE] praised one
stutaye = for praising [you]
= what
= or, ever, (to indicate what ever could be ..)
bhavantu = can be
paramoktayaḥ = greatest (parama) utterances (uktayaḥ)

When you [who are] devi, are all of manifestation, are giver of nourishment [in this world and] liberation [from this world], are the praised one, [then] for [your] praising, what ever can be great utterances.

That is, devi, you are beyond my ability to find words to praise you. greatest of the great words fall short of praising you. [but even then let me try].

Happy Navaratri.

(c) Shashikant Joshi । शशिकांत जोशी । ॐ सर्वे भवन्तु सुखिनः ।

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