Friday, December 10, 2021

Webinar: Success Management: Indian perspective from Mahabharata, Panchatantra, Chanakya and others.

Success Management: Indian perspective from Mahabharata, Panchatantra, Chanakya and others.

Come join me on Dec 11, in a webinar on Sanskrit wisdom on business and leadership!
Prior registration is required.

India has been a highly flourishing civilization for at least 3-5 thousand years, if not more. Material prosperity doesn’t come only from spirituality. A vast realm of Indian wisdom is untapped by modern thinkers and those in the making for the future.

In this short introductory series of four 1-hour sessions, we cover some ideas about economy, business, wealth, leadership, human motivations and mind as found in various popular Sanskrit works, which may not be very well known outside the Sanskrit circles. Guaranteed with informative and interesting tidbits as well as deep thought provoking wisdom, and viewpoints that you may not have thought at all.

Along with Language Curry, I am giving a webinar of 4 one-hour sessions over two weekends. 

Duration: 4 one-hour sessions.
When: Sat/Sun Dec 11 & 12, 18 & 19    at 8 PM
Registration: Required.
Medium of instruction: English

For further details and registration, please see Registration page at Language Curry.
Click on "Login to Enroll"

Medium of instruction - English

In this short introductory session of four hours, we cover some ideas about economy, business, wealth, leadership, human motivations and mind as found in various popular Sanskrit works, which may not be very well known outside the Sanskrit circles.

What is the Indian take on wealth, prosperity, economy, commerce, hard work, industry, leadership, managers, tax, learning and earning? What are the identified qualities of a wise and successful person?

Session 1:
Introduction to the aspects of Indian literature and thoughts around the topic of management, leadership, wealth and attitude towards life. It will open with some tasty samplers from various works. It will kick off with a 10-step ladder that creates a comfortable and prosperous society by creating good leaders - something modern management and leadership gurus and psychologists also grapple with. It beautifully sums up the vision and mission of any economic project and policy.

Session 2:
Mahabharata is considered the greatest epic of the world. A treasure chest of ideas and information about its time, and perennial wisdom. The greatest empire of its time and Vidura is the prime minister and one of the wisest of its characters. This session will cover many ideas from Vidura regarding administration, management, leadership, projects, long term planning and the qualities of the wise and the fool.

Session 3:
Everyone has read the animal stories of Panchatantra and Hitopadesha, thanks to Amar Chitra Katha. This session will provide a peek into the real work, which is way beyond the kids comics, but meant for future pillars of administration and government. The street smart wisdom for managers, leaders, employees alike! We will see how Indian wisdom has treated the concepts of wealth, prosperity, earning, use or lack of it, business, entrepreneurship, hard work, tax, giving, happy and unhappy boss, knowledge and application, networking and planning.

Session 4:
We will look at various Sanskrit maxims or pithy sayings that have a deep impact on modern work ethics and attitude to life and leadership.

Opium eater and the boatman; position and responsibility; Slithering lizard and Ghajani; Arundhati star in leadership; Perched eagle; Of bees, flowers and grass; Threshold lamp; Planting a mango tree; Water wheel; Crow spoils the curd and many more maxims and how they apply to workplace and life.

For further details and registration, please see Registration page at Language Curry.
Click on "Login to Enroll"

(c) Shashikant Joshi । शशिकांत जोशी । ॐ सर्वे भवन्तु सुखिनः ।