Monday, February 20, 2012

A child's calling for Shiva - हे नटराज

A personal favorite of mine is this wonderful song of calling Shiva, by the young Tansen.

The movie - Sangeet Samrat Tansen (saṅgīta samrāṭ tānaséna : Music Emperor Tansen) based on the music maestro Tansen, a few centuries ago, who still holds many new raga-s to his name in the classical Indian music.
Here he is a small boy, at a Shiva temple, and starts to sing in his praise.

The words he uses are all names for Shiva, as follows:

om = ॐ
om namaḥ shivāya / om namaH shivAya / ॐ नमः शिवाय = om salutations for Shiva

hé / he / हे = O
naṭa-rāja / naTarAja / नट-राज = king (rAja) of dancers (naTa)
gaṅgā-dhara / ga~NgA-dhara / गङ्गा-धर = (holder (dhara) of holy river Ganga (ga~NgA)
shambho / shambho / शम्भो = shambhuH = good-doer
bholé-nātha / bhole-nAtha / भोले-नाथ = the innocent/simple (bhole) lord (nAtha) (he is easy to please)
jaya ho, jaya ho = जय हो, जय हो = hail you, hail you.

jaya jaya jaya = जय जय जय = hail, hail, hail
vishva-nātha / vishva-nAtha / विश्व-नाथ = protector (nAtha) of the world (vishva)
jaya jaya = जय जय = hail, hail
kailāsa-nātha / kailAsa-nAtha / कैलास-नाथ = Lord (nAtha) of Kailsa (the mountain where Shiva lives)
he = हे = O
shiva = शिव = auspicious
shaṅkara / sha~Nkara / शंकर = good-doer
tumhārī jaya ho / tumahArI jaya ho -2 / तुम्हारी जय हो = may you be victorious (hail shiva)

he = हे = o
dayā-nidhāna / dayA-nidhAna / दया-निधान = storehouse (nidhAna) of mercy (dayA)
gaurī-nātha / gaurI-nAtha / गौरी-नाथ = husband (nAtha) of Parvati (gaurI)
chandra-bhāla /chandra-bhAla / चन्द्र-भाल = [one who has] Moon (chandra) on forehead (bhAla)
aṅga-bhasma / a~Nga-bhasma / अंग-भस्म = [one who has] ash (bhasma) on the body (a~Nga)
vyāla-māla /vyAla-mAla / व्याल-माल = [one who has] garlands (mAla) of snakes (vyAla)
mai.N rahoo.N sadA sharaNa tumhArI jaya ho (Hindi)
= मैं रहूँ सदा शरण तुम्हारी जय हो
= may I be always in your refuge, hail!

(c) Shashikant Joshi । शशिकांत जोशी । ॐ सर्वे भवन्तु सुखिनः ।


  1. I like the way so explain these concepts so well and yet so simply :-)

  2. Dhanyavad, Seeker.
    Please do read regularly, suggest new ideas or topics you may want to read about, and follow us on Facebook as well.

  3. I truly appreciate your अभ्यास of the subject and of the language. Keep posting.

  4. Pankaj, dhanyavAd. Keep reading and commenting! Tell your friends as well and join us on Facebook too.


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