Tuesday, August 4, 2020

Rama does things perfectly the very first time.

Rama doesn’t aim twice, doesn’t establish the refugee twice, doesn’t give twice to a seeker, Rama doesn’t speak twice (the same thing). He does it perfectly the very first time.

द्विः शरं नाभिसन्धत्ते द्विः स्थापयति नाश्रितान् ।
द्विर्ददाति न चार्थिभ्यो, रामो द्विर्नाभिभाषते ॥
(हनुमान्नाटक १-४८)

सन्धि-विच्छेद -
द्विः शरं न अभिसन्धत्ते द्विः स्थापयति न आश्रितान् ।
द्विः ददाति न च अर्थिभ्योः, रामः द्विः न अभिभाषते ॥

(राम) बाण को दो बार निशाने पर नहीं साधते,
(राम) शरणागत आश्रित को दो बार स्थापित नहीं करते,
(राम) माँगनेवाले को दो बार नहीं देते,
राम (एक ही बात) दो बार नहीं कहते।
अर्थात् एक ही बार में कार्य पूर्ण करते हैं, दूसरी बार करने की आवश्यकता ही रहती।

द्विः = दो बार; शरं = बाण; न = नहीं; अभिसन्धत्ते = साधते ।
द्विः = दो बार ; स्थापयति = स्थापित करते; न = नहीं; आश्रितान् =शरणागत आश्रित को।
द्विः = दो बार; ददाति = देते ; न = नहीं; च = आउर्; अर्थिभ्योः = माँगनेवाले को।
रामः = राम; द्विः = दो बार; न = नहीम्; अभिभाषते = बोलते (एक ही बात को) ।


dviḥ śharaṃ nābhisandhatte dviḥ sthāpayati nāśhritān |
dvirdadāti na chārthibhyo, rāmo dvirnābhibhāṣhate ||
(hanumānnāṭaka 1-49)

Sandhi-break -
dviḥ śharaṃ na abhisandhatte dviḥ sthāpayati na āśhritān |
dviḥ dadāti na cha arthibhyo, rāmaḥ dviḥ na abhibhāṣhate ||

Rama doesn’t aim twice, doesn’t establish the refugee twice, doesn’t give twice to a refugee, Rama doesn’t speak twice (the same thing). He does it perfectly the very first time.

Word for Word meaning:
dviḥ = twice; śharaṃ = arrow; na = not; abhisandhatte (aims) |
dviḥ = twice; sthāpayati = establishes; na = not; āśhritān = the refugee (Sugreeva, Vibhishana) |
dviḥ = twice; dadāti = give; na = not; cha = and; arthibhyoḥ = to the seeker|
rāmaḥ = Rama; dviḥ = twice; na = not; abhibhāṣhate = speaks (the same words)||

The refugee is a reference Sugreeva and Vibhishana.

(c) Shashikant Joshi । शशिकांत जोशी । ॐ सर्वे भवन्तु सुखिनः ।

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