invocation to lord shiva, for blessing at the start of a project:
सिद्धिः साध्ये सतामस्तु प्रसादात्तस्य धूर्जटेः ।
जाह्नवीफेनलेखेव यन्मूर्धनि शशिनः कला ॥ ०-०
siddhIH sAdhye satAm_astu prasAdAt_tasya dhhorjaTe |
jAhnavI-phena-lekheva yan-moordhani shashinaH kalA ||
[the] deeds (siddhiH) of good people (satAM) bring fruits (sAdhye) by the grace of (prasAdAt) that shiva (tasya dhUrjaTe) [mahAdeva, lord of lords], on whose forehead the crescent moon (shashinaH kalA) [adorns] like the surf (phena) of (the river) gangA (jAhnavI) [ganges!]
siddhaH = accomplished
siddhiH = accomplishment. in special sense, there are eight specific siddhiH.
in hanumAna chAlIsA, there is one verse that says:jAhnavI = of the RiShi jahnu
अष्ट सिद्धि नव निधि के दाता ।
अस वर दीन जानकी माता ॥
ashTa siddhi nava nidhi ke dAtA |
asa vara deena jAnakI mAtA ||
(remember, 'a' is short 'a' as 'u' in butter, trailing 'a' is NOT 'aa' )
i.e. hanumAna is the giver of eight siddhi and nine treasures, such is the boon that mother sItA (jAnakI - [daughter] of janaka) gave him.
श्रुतो हितोपदेशोऽयं पाटवं संस्कृतोक्तिषु ।
वाचां सर्वत्र वैचित्र्यं, नीतिविद्यां ददाति च ॥ ०-१
shruto hitopadesho'yaM pAtavaM saMskRitoktiShu |
vAchAM sarvatra vaichitryaM, nItividyAM dadAti cha ||
this (ayaM) hitopadeshaH (hitopadesha) [when] heard (shrutaH), gives (dadAti) expertise (pATavaM) in speaking (uktiShu) sanskrit (saMskRita), variety (vaichitryaM) of talk (vAchAM) everywhere (sarvatra), and (cha) practical knowledge (nIti-vidyAM).
shruti (श्रुति)= that which is heard [in the presence of the guru]
(also the 'veda's, because they were only heard in direct
shrutaH = that which has been heard [in class from guru, not read alone]
hita = benefit
upadesha = advice
paTu (पटु) = expert; vAgpaTu (वाग्पटु)= orator, expert at speaking
chitra (चित्र)= varied (a picture), vichitra = specially varied
vid = root of 'to know'; many word form from this
atra = here; kutra = where ; yatra ... tatra = where ... there
anyatra = else where
sarvatra = every where
so this hitopadesha when heard, will not only give you expertise in speaking sanskrit, it also gives you practical wisdom and variety of topics to discuss, never a dull conversation.
this is the main aim for me to start this blog, and to start with hitopadesha.
hitopadesha is an adaptation from pancha-tantra, and when it came out in 11th century, it became a staple textbook for starting students, since it ws made extra simple but the shloka standard was kept high enough, from many varied sources - best of both worlds.
hope you will enjoy this ride.
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(c) Shashikant Joshi । शशिकांत जोशी । ॐ सर्वे भवन्तु सुखिनः ।
nice site with huge stuff... of possible please provide us hanuman chalisa
ReplyDeleteThe first two slokas forming the prastavalika is not found easily. thanks for including in your wonerful blog. VNM