Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Knowledge is the beauty - विद्या रूपं कुरूपाणां

विद्या रूपं कुरूपाणां, निर्धनानां धनं तथा |
निर्बलानां बलं विद्या साधनीया प्रयत्नतः |

vidyA rUpam kurUpANam, nirdhanAnAm dhanam tathA |
nirbalAnAm balam vidyA, sAdhanIyA prayatnataH ||

Knowledge is the beauty of the not-beautiful and wealth of the not-wealthy.
It is power of the powerless, and it is obtained with lot of effort.

Normal understood form of beauty is what meets the eyes. But that is only the visual aspect of it. There is much more to a person. Even a not so beautiful person is liked, sought after if they have knowledge. Hardly any of the great minds have been dashing Elvis Presley's or Hrithik Roshan's.

The one without wealth can actually earn wealth by his or her knowledge. That is what we all do at our respective jobs - get paid for our knowledge.

And all people in positions of power are not necessarily physically powerful. They are given the positions due to their knowledge, for example, the judge.

And you may win a lottery and become rich overnight, but not with knowledge. It takes a lot of time to acquire it, turn it into wisdom and be worthy.

and now the language aspects of the shloka -

विद्या = vidyA = knowledge

रूपं = = rUpam = beauty

कुरूपाणां = = kurUpANam = of the (-NAm suffix) ones not-beautiful (ku-rUpa) [plural]
rUpa = form, beauty

निर्धनानां = nirdhanAnAm = of the (-nAm suffix) those without (nir-) wealth (dhanam) [plural]

धनं = dhanam = wealth, money

तथा = tathA = and

निर्बलानां = nirbalAnAm = of the (-nAm suffix) those without (nir-) power (balam) [plural]

बलं = balam = power, strength

विद्या = vidyA = knowledge

साधनीया = sAdhanIyA = [is] attainable

प्रयत्नतः = prayatna-taH = by [-taH] complete/total/extra (pra- prefix) effort (yatna)

(c) Shashikant Joshi । शशिकांत जोशी । ॐ सर्वे भवन्तु सुखिनः ।


  1. Are nirdhananam kurupanam and nirbalanam not in plural case? It seems you present them as in the singular case ['one without']?

  2. corrected the oversight. i had used it as a group now, but realize that it could lead to confusion. thank you.


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