Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Best wishes for Ramanavami !

One of the most popular prayers to Lord Rama is created by Tulasi-dasa, who also retold the entire story of Rama for this times, in his historic Rama-charita-manasa.

श्रीरामचन्द्र कृपालु भजु मन

श्रीरामचन्द्र कृपालु भजु मन, हरण भव-भय-दारुणम् ।
नव-कञ्ज-लोचन कञ्ज-मुख , कर-कञ्ज पद-कञ्जारुणम् ॥१॥

कन्दर्प अगणित, अमित छवि, नवनील नीरद सुन्दरम् ।
पट-पीत मानहु तडित रुचि-शुचि, नौमि जनक-सुता-वरम् ॥२॥

भजु दीन-बन्धु दिनेश दानव-दैत्य-वंश-निकन्दनम् ।
रघुनन्द आनन्द-कन्द कौशल-चन्द दशरथ-नन्दनम् ॥३॥

शिर-मुकुट कुण्डल, तिलक चारु, उदार अङ्ग-विभूषणम् ।
आजानु-भुज शरचाप-धर सङ्ग्रामजित-खरदूषणम् ॥४॥

इति वदति तुलसीदास शङ्कर-शेष-मुनि-जन-रञ्जनम् ।
मम हृदय-कुञ्ज निवास कुरु कामादि-खल-दल भञ्जनम् ॥५॥

English transliteration:

shrī-rāma-chandra kṛipālu bhaju mana (Pray to Merciful Rāma, O Heart)

shrī-rāma-chandra kṛipālu bhaju mana, haraṇa bhava-bhaya-dāruṇam |
nava-kañja-lochana kañja-mukha , kara-kañja pada-kañjāruṇam ||1||

kandarpa agaṇita, amita chhavi, nava-nīla nīrada sundaram |
paṭa-pīta mānahu taḍita ruchi-shuchi, naumi janaka-sutā-varam ||2||

bhaju dīna-bandhu dinésha dānava-daitya-vaṃsha-nikandanam |
raghunanda ānanda-kanda kaushala-chanda dasharatha-nandanam ||3||

shira-mukuṭa kuṇḍala, tilaka chāru, udāra aṅga-vibhūṣaṇam |
ā-jānu-bhuja shara-chāpa-dhara saṃgrāma-jita-khara-dūṣaṇam ||4||

iti vadati tulasī-dāsa shaṃkara-shéṣa-muni-jana-rañjanam |
mama hṛidaya-kuñja nivāsa kuru kāmādi-khala-dala bhañjanam ||5||


O heart! pray to the merciful, compassionate Shri Rāma!
who takes away the terrible fears of the mortal world |
eyes like new lotus, lotus-faced,
lotus hands, even feet are like red lotus ||1||

The eternal image (exceeding) innumerable Kāmadeva,
beautiful like new water-bearing clouds |
And the yellow garments appear (on the dark complexion) like lightning,
I bow to the husband of the daughter of Janaka ||2||

Pray to the 'Friend of the Weak', (brilliant like the) sun,
Up-rooter of the Dānava and Daitya |
Son of Raghu dynasty, root of all joy,
Darling of Kaushalyā, son of Dasharatha ||3||

Head with the crown; ear-rings, tilak look beautiful,
and the body is generously adorned with jewelry |
The long-armed one, won the battle
with Khara-Dushana by beheading them||4||

Thus says Tulasīdāsa (the poet) - The giver of joy
to Shiva, Shesha-nāga, thinkers, people|
Make residence in my heart,
O killer of the 'group of evils' like desire (anger etc)||5||

Listen to this melodious rendition of the same.

And this:

(c) Shashikant Joshi । शशिकांत जोशी । ॐ सर्वे भवन्तु सुखिनः ।

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