Monday, April 5, 2010

vande padmakarAm prasanna-vadanAm - वन्दे पद्मकरां प्रसन्नवदनां

vande padmakarāṃ prasanna-vadanāṃ saubhāgyadāṃ bhāgyadāṃ
hastābhyāṃ abhaya-pradāṃ maṇi-gaṇair-nānā-vidhair-bhūṣhitām।h ।
bhaktābhīṣhṭa-phalapradāṃ hari-hara-brahmādibhiḥ sevitāṃ
pārśhve pa~Nkaja-śhaṃkha-padma-nidhibhir-yuktāṃ sadā śhaktibhiḥ ॥

vande padmakarAm prasanna-vadanAm saubhAgyadAm bhAgyadAm
hastAbhyAm abhayapradAm maNigaNairnAnAvidhirbhUShitAm |
bhaktAbhIShTa-phalapradAm hari-hara-bhrahmAdibhiH sevitAm
pArshve pa~nkaja-sha~Nkha-padma-nidhibhir-yuktAm sadA shaktibhiH ||

वन्दे पद्मकरां प्रसन्नवदनां सौभाग्यदां भाग्यदां
हस्ताभ्यां अभयप्रदां मणिगणैर्नानाविधैर्भूषिताम् ।
भक्ताभीष्टफलप्रदां हरिहरब्रह्मादिभिः सेवितां
पार्श्वे पंकजशंखपद्मनिधिभिर्युक्तां सदा शक्तिभिः ॥

I bow to the one who has lotus in her hand, has a pleasant happy face, who gives good fortune and destiny, gives refuge (fearlessness) with her hand (posture), who is adorned with lots of gems and other ways, who gives the very much desired fruits to the devotees, is attended upon by viShNu, shiva, brahmA and others, behind whom are lotus, conch and other opulence and who is always with power.

i.e. I bow to goddess lakShmI.

This is there just before the 108 names of lakShmI - lakShmI ashtottarashat nAmAvali or lakshmyaShTottarashatanAmAvalI.

And now the language aspects of the shloka -
The -Am ending in all words means 'to the so and so'

वन्दे = vande = I praise
पद्मकरां = padmakarAm = to the one with lotus in hand
padma = lotus
kar = hand

प्रसन्नवदनां = prasanna-vadanAm = to the one with a happy face
prasanna = happy
vadana = face

सौभाग्यदां = to the giver of good fortune/destiny
saubhAgya = good fortune
dA = (fem) giver

भाग्यदां = to the giver of fortune/destiny
bhAgya = fortune/destiny
dA = (fem) giver

हस्ताभ्यां = (to the one) with the hands (who ...)
अभयप्रदां = to the giver of fearlessness
bhaya = fear
a-bhaya = fearlessness, protection, refuge
dA = (fem) giver
to the giver of the boon of fearlessness (refuge) by her hand (posture)

मणिगणैर्नानाविधैर्भूषिताम् = to the one adorned with bunch of gems and other various ways
maNi = gems
gaNa = group, cluster, bunch
nAnA = various
vidhi = ways, style
bhUShitA = adorned, decorated

भक्ताभीष्टफलप्रदां = to the giver of desired fruits to the devotees
bhakta = devotee
abhi-IShTa = very much desired
phala = fruit, result
dA = (fem) giver

हरिहरब्रह्मादिभिः सेवितां = to the one served by viShNu, shiva and brhmA and others
hari = viShNu
hara = shiva (the one who takes away, pain, sorrow, life etc)
brahmA = creator, expansive
Adi = etc
sevitA = served by
sevitAm = to her who is ...

पार्श्वे = in the background
पंकजशंखपद्मनिधिभिर्युक्तां = with lotus, conch, padma-nidhi
pa~nkaja = lotus
sh~Nkha - conch
padma-nidhibhiH = by the wealth of padma (?)
yuktA = one who has these (attached, yukta)

सदा = always
शक्तिभिः = with shakti, power
shakti = power, energy

(c) Shashikant Joshi । शशिकांत जोशी । ॐ सर्वे भवन्तु सुखिनः ।


  1. thanks a lot....recited thoroughly :)

  2. wat is the meaning of nidhibhir

  3. nidhibhiH = by the treasures
    nidhi = treasure, wealth

  4. Thanks a lot for sharing this information.

  5. Superb translation - well appointed meaning...

    The first few lines appear in the Enigma song "The Child In Us" - Prasanna Vadana / Vadanam

    Thanks a lot!

  6. Superb translation - well appointed meanings...

    The first few lines appear in the Enigma song "The Child In Us" - Prasanna Vadana / Vadanam

    Thanks a lot!

  7. nice translactions..

    thanks a lot for sharing.. very good service..

  8. I heard it in enigma song and searching it from very long time with meaning. Thanks for sharing...

  9. Thanks a lot.........i am searching it for a long time

  10. thanks for sharing the meaning of this precious sloka. keep enlightening us.

  11. Namaskaram
    thanks for sharing the meaning of this precious sloka. keep enlightening us.

  12. Thanks a lot. Am here because of enigma.

  13. I have been searching for a translation with word meanings for over a monthb to no avail.It is educative as grammar is explained. Thanks a lot.


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