Tuesday, December 21, 2010

worryfree bliss - द्वावेव चिन्तया मुक्तौ

द्वावेव चिन्तया मुक्तौ परमानन्द आप्लुतौ |
यो विमुग्धो जडो बालो, यो गुणेभ्यः परं गतः ||

dvAveva chintayA muktau, paramAnanda Aplutau |
yo vimugdho jaDo bAlo, yo guNebhyaH param gataH ||

bhAgavat purANa 11.9.4

Only two are free of worries and drenched in bliss - one who is ignorant, innocent kid or one who has transcended beyond the manifest (a realized soul).

The one who knows not, is happy.
The one who has known it all, and gone beyond the duality, multiplicity, seen the one in all, all in one, is also blissfully happy. The former just came from that source, the latter is going to go there. Bliss.

It is this world, that adds to the worries, to the ones who have been 'dirtied' by this world. Worries like
- Will it rain/snow today?
- Why is her shirt whiter than mine? What detergent is she using?
- Why has s/he not responded to my SMS yet? Is s/he seeing someone else?
- Will wikileaks leak something about me?
- How is the traffic going to be today?
- Why don't they reduce the menu choices at the fast food to just one and make it really fast?
- Will there be enough money for a 3G scam in India?
- Will the US economy get better enough to afford another mortgage kind of scam?

If you have forgotten how you were happy some day, watch the video above. Maybe when you were young, there were no remote cars, at least not when I was a kid that age! But that is irrelevant. Kids always find something, even a cardboard box, to be happy. After all, it is all in the mind - happiness and sorrow. And NOT in the things.

When we forget the difference between wants and needs, we start looking for happiness in things - like when getting a 'beige' iPad, that no one else has! (Yeah, I know, they haven't made that shade for consumer market yet, only I have the custom colored toy!)

So, live a bit, laugh a bit, learn a bit. Learn to unlearn, unlearn the worrying, the worries. Worries beyond the basics - food, cloth, roof.

Your true nature is indeed to be happy. Remove the heavy cloak of worries and ego, and find yourself!

and now the language aspects of the shloka -

the adjectives match in vibhakti and vachana, and is easily seen here -
dvau muktau Aplutau.

द्वावेव dvAveva = द्वौ dvau + इव eva = two only

चिन्तया chintayA = by worry

मुक्तौ muktau = two free

परमानन्द paramAnanda = parama + Ananda = ultimate bliss

the words before sandhi are paramAnande Aplutau. due to sandhi, the 'e' drops and becomes paramAnanda Aplutau

आप्लुतौ Aplutau = two drenched

यो yo = yaH = that which

विमुग्धो vimugdho = vimugdhaH = one who is mesmerized, oblivious of everything else

जडो jaDo = jaDaH = ignorant. (also means foolish, less intelligent, non-living)

बालो bAlo = bAlaH = child, kid. (specifically boy, generally a child)

यो yo = yaH = that which

गुणेभ्यः guNebhyaH = away from/beyond guNa, forms, qualities, (of matter, people, differentiation)

परं param = other (side of differentiation)

गतः gataH = one who has gone

(c) Shashikant Joshi । शशिकांत जोशी । ॐ सर्वे भवन्तु सुखिनः ।


  1. महोदय,
    नमो नमः।
    It has been my privilege to follow your blog on and off.
    With your permission, I would like to make a few suggestions to put icing on the wonderful cakes you have been serving. :-)
    (1) It would be great, if you could mention the source of the Subhāṣitam, wherever possible.
    (2) Also, the Vṛtta / Chandaḥ of that.
    (3) And what would be really really great is that if you could upload an mp3 of the Subhāṣitam, so that one can know how to pronounce it and moreover how to memorize it in the right Chandaḥ.
    बहवः धन्यवादाः।
    --- मनु

  2. manuji,
    the source of this shloka is mentioned in the very start - bhAgavat purANa 11.9.4

    i have started the video/audio of a few shloka-s, seen on youtube. please see the link (after 3rd paragraph) in this article - http://practicalsanskrit.blogspot.com/p/selected-reading.html


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