there is no person unworthy, what is lacking is an 'enabler' ||
अमंत्रमक्षरं नास्ति नास्ति मूलमनौषधम् ।
अयोग्यः पुरुषो नास्ति योजकस्तत्र दुर्लभः॥
amantramakSharaM nAsti, nAsti moolamanauShdhaM |
ayogyaH puruSho nAsti, yojakastatra durlabhaH ||
Akshara - Mantra
Each and every sound can be a mantraM, to be meditated upon. But for that one needs to understand the acoustics of the mouth, vibrations of sounds, meaning of the letters of the language. Specially in Sanskrit each letter sound has a meaning.E.g. the first consonants
- क (ka) means - brahmA, viShNu, kAmadeva, agni (fire), vAyu (wind), sUrya (sun) etc.
- ख (kha) means - sky (khaga = those that move in the sky = birds), heaven, senses of perception, field (farm), void
- ग (ga) means - gandharva (celestial singers, dancers), adjective for gaNesha (gaN gaNapataye namaH)

Plant - Medicine
Every plant has some medicinal use. Even the poisonous ones have use in fighting venom. A pharmaceutical company would be better testimony of it even for modern medicines, what to say of Ayurvedic medicines which were prepared from plants directly, and were heavily plant based.Person - Usefulness
And what was that old adage - "You are never totally useless, you can always be used as a bad example!"Jokes apart, everyone has some qualities that they can contribute to the society. We are all born with some innate nature and acquire skills. We all are doing some karma all the time! Even the so called bad karma doers can be used positively. Police uses ex-criminals to help them find new ones. A master lock-picker may help a security company to make better locks?

The reason for most of the unhappy workers is that they have not matched their INTEREST and SKILL with the job, but only matched the SALARY with their EXPECTED lifestyle.
So either you should realize on your own, or one to whom you report.
In all this what is missing? What is lacking?
One who could see the worth in the sound, the plant or the person. This also means that a mantra to have full impact (vibration, meaning) a knowledgeable person is needed. Similarly an Ayurvedic vaidya (doctor) could find use of any plant. And a good manager is one who knows the strength and weakness of his team members and assigns them duties according to their skills and interest.
A yojaka is one who manages, connects, enables, organizes. one who properly 'connects' the 'parts' to make the 'whole' functional at its best.
Smile, for you are worth it!
[Update 2025-03-13]
Many have sked for the source of this shloka. This shloka is only found in subhAShita-sangraHa - quotation collections, and not in other works. Following are the ones I have verified, there could be some older editions of the works:
- subhAShita-ratna-bhANDAgAra - by kAshinAtha pANDuranga Parab - 1929 edition (page 163)
- subhAShita-ratnAkara - by kRiShNa shAstrii bhAtavaDekara- 1888 edition (page 233)
- subhAShita-sudhA-ratna-bhANDAgAra - by Pt. shivadatta kaviratna - 1929 (page 485)
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And now the language aspects of the shloka -
amantramakSharaM = a + mantraM + akSharaM = sound (akSharaM) [that is] not (a) mantraM
mantram = mananaM trAyate = that which when meditated/pondered upon liberates (saves); a secret; a formula
akShraM = a + kSharaM = that which doesn't decay, can't be broken further = letter of the alphabet (language element can't be further broken)
kSharaM = decay
kShaaraM = alkali (as in chemistry, alkali and acid)
nAsti = na + asti = is (asti) not (na)
moolamanauShdhaM = moolaM + an + auShadhaM
moolaM = root (hence a plant whose root we are talking about)
auShadhaM = medicine
an + auShadhaM = not medicinal
ayogyaH = a + yogyaH = not (a) worthy (yogya)
yogya = from yuj (yoga) = worthy of union (yuj) with the work (worthy, suitable, well matched to the requirement)
puruSho = man, person
yojakastatra = yojakaH + tatra
yojakaH = one who unites, arranges, manages (saMyojakaH)
same root (yuj) as of yoga for connecting the person and the project.
durlabhaH = duH + labhaH = difficult accessible = not easily found, difficult to get.
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[photos courtsey of the wonderful website http://www.flowersofindia.net/catalog/medicinal.html ]
(c) Shashikant Joshi । शशिकांत जोशी । ॐ सर्वे भवन्तु सुखिनः ।
Can you give me the source of this Sloka?
ReplyDeleteUpdated the post, please see at the end.
DeleteKeep writing sir
ReplyDeleteThank you! What is the original source of this shloka? Carak Samhita? Please give Chapter and Verse.
ReplyDeleteexplaination of above shlok is very good.
ReplyDeleteWould like to know the author and the text from which the above shloka has been taken.
Updated the post, please see at the end.
DeleteThanks for your contribution Shrimaan. It's really very very helpful to understand any sloka with the explanation. Kindly keep posting such good knowledge, because knowledge is ultimate pleasure.
ReplyDeleteSource please
ReplyDeleteUpdated the post, please see at the end.
DeleteIt is interesting to see that each letter sound has a meaning.As you have given it for Ka, Kha and Ga. Can you please provide the meanings for the rest of consonants and vowels. Also, interestingly the word Akshara in Sanskrit means the one that has no death or imperishable.This is because the expression of letters is the transformation of Shakti(like the PRANAVA), which is divine and immutable.
ReplyDeleteThis is my one of the favourite shubhasit. Thanks for detail explanation. Name-Kaushal, place-Nainital
ReplyDeleteAre there slokas which are similar in content in various Sanskrit classics and other texts? Even two or three slokas would suffice. Extremely thankful for your blogs.Regards, VNM
ReplyDeleteWell explained
ReplyDeleteइस श्लोक का स्रोत कौनसा वेद या उपनिषद है, यह बताने की कृपा करें
ReplyDeleteस्रोत सुभाषित संग्रह ग्रन्थ हैं - ऊपर लेख में अपडेट कर दिया है !
Deleteकृपया स्रोत बताये
ReplyDeleteThank you for the explanation of the Subhashitam, the language aspects of the Shloka and especially the various meanings of the first three consonants of Sanskrit. Can you also let us know the source of the Shloka.
ReplyDeleteTq so much
ReplyDeleteThanks sreeman