shrīrāmachandra kṛipālu bhaju mana, haraṇa bhava-bhaya dāruṇam ।
nava-kañja-lochana kañja-mukha kara-kañja pada-kañjāruṇam [1]
kandarpa agaṇita amita chhavi navanīla nīrada sundaram ।
paṭapīta mānahu taḍita ruchi shuchi naumi janaka-sutā-varam [2]
bhaju dīnabandhu dinesha dānava-daitya-vaṃsha-nikandanam ।
raghunanda-ānanda-kanda kaushalachanda dasharatha-nandanam [3]
shira-mukuṭa-kuṇḍala tilaka-chāru udāra-aṅga-vibhūṣhaṇam ।
ājānubhuja shara chāpa dhara saṅgrāmajita khara-dūṣhaṇam [4]
iti vadati tulasīdāsa shaṃkara-sheṣha-muni-jana-rañjanam ।
mama hṛidaya-kuñja nivāsa kuru kāmādi-khala-dala bhañjanam [5]
श्रीरामचन्द्र कृपालु भजु मन, हरण भव-भय दारुणम् ।
नव-कंज-लोचन कंज-मुख कर-कंज पद-कंजारुणम् । [1]
कन्दर्प अगणित अमित छवि नवनील नीरद सुन्दरम् ।
पटपीत मानहु तडित रुचि शुचि नौमि जनक-सुता-वरम् । [2]
भजु दीनबन्धु दिनेश दानव-दैत्य-वंश-निकन्दनम् ।
रघुनन्द-आनन्द-कन्द कौशलचन्द दशरथ-नन्दनम् । [3]
शिर-मुकुट-कुण्डल तिलक-चारु उदार-अंग-विभूषणम् ।
आजानुभुज शर चाप धर संग्रामजित खर-दूषणम् । [4]
इति वदति तुलसीदास शंकर-शेष-मुनि-जन-रंजनम् ।
मम हृदय-कुंज निवास कुरु कामादि-खल-दल भंजनम् । [5]
O heart! pray to the merciful, compassionate Shri Rāma!
who takes away the terrible fears of the mortal world |
eyes like new lotus, lotus-faced,
lotus hands, even feet are like red lotus ||1||
The eternal image (exceeding) innumerable Kāmadeva,
beautiful like new water-bearing clouds |
And the yellow garments appear (on the dark complexion) like lightning,
I bow to the husband of the daughter of Janaka ||2||
Pray to the 'Friend of the Weak', (brilliant like the) sun,
Up-rooter of the Dānava and Daitya |
Son of Raghu dynasty, root of all joy,
Darling of Kaushalyā, son of Dasharatha ||3||
Head with the crown; ear-rings, tilak look beautiful,
and the body is generously adorned with jewelry |
The long-armed one, won the battle
with Khara-Dushana by beheading them||4||
Thus says Tulasīdāsa (the poet) - The giver of joy
to Shiva, Shesha-nāga, thinkers, people|
Make residence in my heart,
O killer of the 'group of evils' like desire (anger etc)||5||
And now the language aspects of the shloka -
shrīrāmachandra (lord rAma) kṛipālu (who is merciful) bhaju (pray) mana (my heart/desiring faculty), haraṇa (remover, taker of) bhava-bhaya (fears of the mortal word) dāruṇam (grave, terrible) ।
nava-kañja-lochana (new-lotus-eyed) kañja-mukha (lotus-faced) kara-kañja (lotus hands, hands soft/pink as lotus) pada-kañjāruṇam (feet like red lotus, pinkness indicative of good health also) [1]
kandarpa (kAmadeva) agaṇita (innumerable) amita (forever, unerasable) chhavi (image, form) navanīla (new dark )nīrada (clouds) sundaram (beautiful, rain bearing clouds are beautiful for they bring the message of life) ।
paṭapīta (yellow cloth) mānahu (as if) taḍita (lightening) ruchi (interesting) śhuchi (bright) naumi (we bow) janaka-sutā-varam (janaks's daughter's husband) [2]
bhaju (pray) dīnabandhu (friend of the poor) dinesha (bright as sun) dānava-daitya-vaṃsha-nikandanam (danava's daitya's lineage remover) ।
raghunanda-ānanda-kanda (raghu's lineage's joy's root, i.e. source of joy for the raghu dynasty) kaushalachanda (son of kaushalyA) dasharatha-nandanam (dasharatha's son/source of joy) [3]
shira-mukuṭa (on head the crown) kuṇḍala (ear rings) tilaka (tilak on forehead) chāru (looks handsome) udāra-aṅga-vibhūṣhaṇam (liberally decorated limbs, bracelets, armlets etc) ।
ājānubhuja (long armed) shara chāpa dhara (beheaded with arrow) saṅgrāmajita khara-dūṣhaṇam (won the battle with khara and dooShana) [4]
iti (so) vadati (says) tulasīdāsa (tualsidas) shaṃkara-sheṣha-muni-jana-rañjanam (to shiva-sheshanAga-seers-people's joy) ।
mama (my) hṛidaya-kuñja (heart's garden) nivāsa (abode) kuru (make) kāmādi-khala-dala bhañjanam (desire-etc-enemy-group after-destroying) [5]
(c) Shashikant Joshi । शशिकांत जोशी । ॐ सर्वे भवन्तु सुखिनः ।
Looks Great post. Will help spread Sanskrit amongst the people. All The Best.
ReplyDeleteThe great site ever to be found.Just worked as
ReplyDeletea pearl in the ocean when I was looking for learning sanskrit and the meanings of popular
bhajans and strotas.
thank you so much for the translation! Jai SiyaRam!
ReplyDeleteThankyou so much